Here’s how—without damaging the screen
The World Health Organization has plenty of details on how you should properly wash your hands to protect yourself against infection and to prevent the spread of flu and coronavirus. But if we wash our hands and then suddenly switch back to our phone, we’re exposing ourselves to germs all over again.
Several studies, including one published by the United States National Library of Medicine in 2017, have suggested phones can contain lots of germs. So if you’re washing your hands, you should probably also keep your phone clean.
Here’s what you should do.
In general, you should probably just wash your hands before using your phone, and then use a hand sanitizer after you use it and before you touch your face.
If you’re speaking on the phone a lot, consider using headphones to avoid bringing your phone up to your face as frequently. While headphones like AirPods aren’t germ-free either, you can clean the outside with isopropyl alcohol, making sure not to get any inside the AirPods. It’s important not to use household cleaners, however, since they’ll go back inside your ears.
For more detail visit
How to clean your phone to help stop the spread of germs
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