Free US shipping on all orders!

Shipping Info

Shipping Info

Shipping Details

  • Once you have placed your order, you will receive an automatically generated email within a few minutes. This email is your invoice and your order confirmation of your purchase
  • If you have not received your order confirmation email and it has been thirty minutes or longer, please check your spam/junk folder. If you still cannot find your order confirmation, please contact customer support to confirm that your order has been placed
  • Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an automatically generated email confirming your shipment and providing you with your tracking number, whenever applicable
  • In the case of multiple orders being shipped to the same recipient and the same address, orders may be combined into a single, consolidated shipment

For questions about the shipping status of any order or to modify an order before shipment, please feel free to submit your inquiry in the form provided or contact us at

Shipping Between the United States & Canada

  • Orders being shipped to an address in the United States will be shipped via USPS or FedEx. Orders will be shipped as USPS First Class Mail or FedEx, as specified at check out. All orders being shipped to an address in the United States will be tracked
  • Orders being shipped to an address in Canada will be shipped via Canada Post Expedited Parcels. All orders being shipped to an address in Canada will be tracked
  • In the event of a failed shipment due to an incorrectly entered shipping address, a flat-rate shipping fee will be required for a re-shipment. Please note that this flat-rate fee only applies to orders being shipped to an address in the United States of America or Canada. Please contact customer support if your package has been shipped to an incorrect or incomplete address

Shipping Outside of United States & Canada:

  • Orders being shipped to an address outside of the United States of America or Canada will be shipped via FedEx International
  • Moojou Enterprises is not responsible for currency exchange fees, credit card fees, or bank fees
  • Moojou Enterprises is not responsible for any additional government taxes, customs, or duty charges, and any such costs will be incurred by the order's recipient

Third Party Promotions

Orders placed using vouchers distributed by promotional partners may see slightly longer shipping times within the parameters of the ongoing promotionOrders

Orders placed using Amazon market place or alternative market place is subject to marketplace shipping policies. Moojou Enterprises fulfill by Amazon when customer orders are made on the Amazon platform and Amazon will allow customers different alternatives for great shopping experiences

Orders placed using Amazon market place or alternative market place is subject to marketplace shipping policies. Moojou Enterprises fulfill by Amazon when customer orders are made on the Amazon platform and Amazon will allow customers different alternatives for great shopping experiences


Any and all claims for lost, stolen, or miss-delivered packages must be made within two months (sixty days) of the order date of the package in question

Moojou Enterprises is not responsible for lost or stolen packages in cases where they have been tracked and confirmed delivered by their respective carriers.

Moojou Enterprises is not responsible for lost or stolen packages in cases where they have been tracked and confirmed delivered by their respective carriers

Please Note: Orders with a $0.00 checkout value are subject to a $5.99 shipping and processing fee